Teeth Whitening In Pune

A good set of pearly white teeth are essential to having a confident and radiant smile. However, teeth-whitening is process that requires careful planning and precise cleaning for best results. We at ‘The Art of Smile’ help identify the best whitening solution for your teeth by careful personal checkup and also by administering our special process.

Reasons for tooth discoloration and staining :

  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Drinking liquids like Coffee, Tea, Wine or Cola.
  • Tobacco usage.

Prior to proceeding to tooth whitening alternatives, it is advised that the patient comes into the dental office to have a comprehensive oral examination that consists of a full medical, dental, and social history. This will allow the clinician to see if there is any treatment that needs to be done such as restorations to remove caries, and to assess whether or not the patient will be a good candidate to have the whitening done. Whitening can be done in office or at home. In-chair whitening is faster and more effective in comparison to the take-home bleaching options. Some clinicians also make custom bleaching trays, which can take up to a week to create, so that after the whitening treatment is completed, these trays can be used in the future for maintenance of bleaching with at home kits or for the use of desensitising products.

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