Top 7 Reasons Why You Need To See An Orthodontist

Top 7 Reasons Why You Need To See An Orthodontist

Brushing twice daily, flossing once everyday, and visiting a dentist once every six months are crucially important steps towards maintaining oral health. But, some people visit a dentist only when they encounter any serious or painful dental problem. Dentists play a vital role in indicating any tooth decay, cracked teeth, gum disease, or teeth mal alignment. In case of teeth mal alignment, the dentist refers to an orthodontist (a dentist who specializes in treating mal aligned teeth) for treatment.

You can visit our dental clinic in Kalyani Nagar to correct your improper tooth position. Our orthodontists, besides providing beautiful smiles, also help in checking serious dental problems. 

Here are ways how our best dentist in Kalyani Nagar helps you to recoup your orthodontic problems.

How Can Orthodontists Help Us?

  • Correct Over Crowded Teeth

Some adults develop extra teeth in their jawline. As a result, teeth sprout out of alignments, leading to various dental and gum problems. An orthodontist can correct the dental issues through various correctional measures such as tooth extraction followed by bracing or bracing and filing of teeth.

  • Teeth Straightening

People also see an orthodontist for teeth straightening. Crooked teeth are not only bothersome but can lower self-esteem and confidence. Orthodontists use braces and Invisalign as the most appropriate teeth straightening measures.

  • Address Teeth Gaps

Someteeth gaps, ingrown teeth, and malaligned teeth often allow other teeth to invade the gaps. With dental visits, one can seek early oral assessments addressing teeth gaps. Our best dentist in Kalyani Nagar look into the problems through orthodontic devices and various procedures such as porcelain veneers, dental implants, dental bonding, dental filling etc.

  • Correct Facial Imbalance 

Teeth help maintain the length of the face and the structure of the jawbone. Conversely, any defect in the jawbone leading to misaligned teeth results in changing facial appearance. The facial imbalance can be caused due to the following reasons:

  • Grinding of upper front teeth making it short 
  • The upper jaw is not symmetric to the lower jaw
  • Gum diseases that caused tooth loss and asymmetric jaws

An orthodontist corrects the above problem with the following solutions

  • Braces
  • Teeth elastics for muscular correction
  • Jaw-expansion
  • Surgery
  • Bite Issues

Basically, there are four types of bite issues, namely: underbite, overbite, open bite, and crossbite. The overbite is caused when the upper jaw teeth stick out of the lower jaw. The converse situation is an underbite. However, if the person sees some gap between the upper jaw and lower jaw rows, including side rows gaps, they are open bites. Finally, the cross-bite is a kind of malocclusion that causes a “poor bite.”

These bite issues can deface appearance besides having physical orthodontic problems such as clenching, grinding, headaches, and speech problems.

  • Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also called Bruxism, is a condition when you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. When you tend to clench teeth normally, you do so in an unconscious state while sleeping also. Teeth grinding while sleeping can turn teeth sore when you wake up. Our dental clinic in Kalyani Nagar has seen many cases of teeth grinding prevalent. If you or your child face any tooth grinding indication, visit a dentist immediately.

  • Sleeping Problems

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder caused due to interrupted breathing during sleep. This is a serious issue that leads to sleep deprivation or other serious health disorders. It can be caused due to different reasons; one is a misalignment of jaws and teeth. On seeing its symptoms, consult an orthodontist immediately. In most cases, it can be managed with different splints and studying sleep patterns.

The Art of Smile provides various dental treatments to give your teeth a healthy, shiny appearance and maintain healthy gums. Our orthodontists educate patients on holistic dental care and include certain foods, fruits, and nuts that are good antioxidants, cleanse teeth naturally, and strengthens gums. A simple dental regime coupled with bi-yearly dental visits can save you from many dental disorders. Book your basic consultation with us.