Dental technology and treatments have evolved at a rapid pace over the past decade. Dental implants have emerged as one of the most effective tooth replacement alternatives in recent years. You may have read or heard about dental implants as well!
However, we have noticed that although most of our patients have heard about dental implants, they do not have an in-depth understanding of how they work.
If you are looking to fix dental implants in Pune, you have landed at the right place. At the Art of Smile, we leave no stone unturned to ensure our clients have a glowing smile once we treat them.
This article has sliced and diced dental implants for you and covered the main points linked with dental implant surgery.
Let’s begin with understanding what dental implants are.
What is a dental implant?
Dental implants are teeth made from an artificial material that provides the same functionality and support provided by natural teeth.
In the majority of cases, a dental implant is made from titanium and other biologically suitable materials with the human body.
When can you opt for the dental implant procedure?
Many of our patients are curious to know how late or early a dental implant treatment can take place after tooth removal. We, at The Art of Smile dental clinic, ensure that your dental implant serves you well for many years to come.
The healing process after the tooth extraction will determine when you can go for dental implant treatment. Depending on the reason for tooth loss we determine a series of treatments. In some patients there is insufficient jaw bone for the dental implant placement or the existing bone may be too soft. In such cases we recommend bone grafting procedures to help stabilize the dental implant. If the oral health is good along with sufficient bone we might be ready for immediate dental implant.
Is the dental implant procedure painful?
Thanks to the advances across the dental field, you will not experience any major discomfort or pain during the dental implant procedure. You may experience slight pain when your gums are being carved through to make room for the dental implant.
If you decide to get the dental procedure done at the best dental clinic in Kalyani Nagar, you are likely to experience very little pain when an implant is actually placed in the oral cavity.
The cost of a dental implant procedure in Pune depends on a host of factors such as duration, complications, and the expertise required for the treatment.
What are the different types of dental implants?
There are two main types of dental implants: subperiosteal and endosteal.
In endosteal, the implant is placed in the bone to ensure it is held properly through the bone.
In subperiosteal, the dental implants are primarily rested over the jawbone that is under the gum tissue.
Our experts at the Art of Smile, one of the top dental clinic in Kalyani Nagar for dental implants will examine the suitability of different dental implants and recommend the best choice for you.
Problems linked with Dental Implants
1. Smoking and chewing tobacco
If you chew tobacco and smoke regularly, it can severely affect the efficacy of an implant as these activities hinder the flow of blood.
2. Gum diseases
Gum diseases damage the jaw bone and also cause gum problems.
3. Infection
Regular check ups and good daily oral hygiene procedures reduces the risk of infection. It is important to follow the aftercare protocol of implant placement.
4.Loose implant
In the first few weeks ,the implant starts fusing with the jawbone. This process is called Osseointegration and it is important for the long term success of dental implants.
Caring of dental implants
Strictly following the regular oral hygiene measures reduces the risk of infection.
Avoid food while numb after the dental implant surgery and take a soft diet for at least a few days.
It is also important to avoid strenuous exercises for a few days to avoid increased blood flow and reduce the associated swelling.
Flossing at least once a day is required after healing of surrounding tissues. Interdental brushes can be used in the areas difficult to reach.
Avoid smoking to reduce the postoperative complications.
If you are looking for a trusted and reliable dental clinic for dental implants in Pune, get in touch with the Art of Smile.
Our team of experts will provide guidance and address all your queries related to dental implants. Get in touch with us today!