Bad Breath Treatment In Viman Nagar,Pune

Bad breath is one of the biggest turn-offs in any social or personal setting. We at ‘The Art of Smile’, get to the root cause of bad breath like gum inflammation, cavities, pH levels in your mouth etc., and provide you a personalized solution for your problem for best and quick results


Bad breath is caused due to a number of causes. Further treatment will depend on the cause. In case it is found that your bad breath is due to an underlying health condition, you will need to visit a primary health care provider.

If it is found that the cause is related to oral health, following can be done :

1. Toothpaste and Mouth rinses

Your dentist may recommend an anti – bacterial mouth rinse or toothpaste containing an anti – bacterial agent if your bad breath is due to build up of plaque i.e. bacteria proliferating into the build up.

2. Treatment of dental diseases

Bad breath can also be caused due to gum disease. Sometimes, gum disease can cause deep pockets filled with odor – causing bacteria due to gums pulling away from the teeth. Professional cleaning is required in such cases.

Lifestyle changes to reduce or prevent bad breath:
1. Brush your teeth after every meal. Use a toothpaste with anti – bacterial properties preferably.
2. Flossing – Flossing cleans food particles and plaque from between the teeth and keeps bad breath in check.
3. Clean your tongue – A coated tongue is a result of overgrowth of bacteria and can be cleaned using a tongue scraper. Clean your tongue regularly. You can even use a toothbrush that has a built – in tongue cleaner.
4. Keep your dental appliances and dentures clean – Clean your dentures thoroughly at least once or twice a day. Clean your appliances each time before you put it in your mouth as well as afterwards.
5. Treat dry mouth – Drink plenty of water and avoid tobacco, alcohol, soft drinks or caffeine as they dehydrate the mouth. Chewing gum is advised as it stimulates saliva. Avoid sugary foods.
6. Change your toothbrush regularly – Change your toothbrush every three months and use a soft – bristle toothbrush.
7. Regular Visits to the dentist – Visit your dentist at least twice a year in order to keep your oral health in check.

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